About the Institute

The ILA is part of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy (Department 6) at the University of Stuttgart.

The Institute and its altitude test stand

It is at the center of the Institute’s work: our altitude test stand for aircraft engines. The Institute’s history  started with the test stand’s first version in 1960 when Prof. Ulrich Senger led the rebuilding of aeronautics research at the Stuttgart Technical University. Since that time, ILA has continually expended its core competencies to keep pace with the numerous research activities  and requirements of its partners.

The Institute’s altitude test stand
The Institute’s altitude test stand

The Institute and its people

Currently, the Institute has more than 50 scientific and technical personnel. Many alumni started their scientific careers at ILA. With its many lectures and training activities the Institute makes a solid contribution to the future engineering careers of the men and women in the aerospace engineering study programs.

Target customers and services:

  • Enterprises, research institutes, and government agencies
  • Cooperative services: theoretical and experimental analyses of turbo engines, aeronautical propulsion systems, and general structural dynamics problems
  • Commissioned trial runs on the altitude test stand
  • Developing modern computation methods applicable to structural dynamics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamic process analyses

Jobs at the Institute

Current employment opportunities
As research assistants

We post our job openings for research assistants on the University of Stuttgart’s Stellenwerk job portal. We welcome your regular searches on new job offers there or would also be glad to hear from you directly.

As student assistants

Do you ask yourself why you need knowledge on Numerics, Mechanics or Control Theory?

We provide answers! We are looking for student assistants (~8h/week) to help us advancing knowledge on nonlinear vibrations. Questions and application go to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Malte Krack.


This image shows Christian Koch

Christian Koch


Manager Altitude Test Facility, Academic advisor, deputy head of the institute


Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems

Pfaffenwaldring 6, 70569 Stuttgart

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