Pfaffenwaldring 6
70569 Stuttgart
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My scientific area is structural mechanics/dynamics.
I am particularly fascinated by contact interactions (friction; impacts): They can be found everywhere in technology, but also in nature and in everyday life. Dry friction causes most of the damping of aerospace structures; without it, the blades of engines would break during operation due to the large vibrations. Impacts are ideal for cross-scale energy transfer, enabling new technologies for broadband vibration damping or energy harvesting.
- Since 2021: Professor (full) at the University of Stuttgart
- Since 2016: Junior professor with Tenure Track at the University of Stuttgart
- January-December 2015: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA with Prof. Alexander F. Vakakis and Prof. Lawrence A. Bergman
- November 2014: Graduation (Dr.-Ing.) on ' The Concept of Nonlinear Modes Applied to Friction-Damped Systems'
- 2010-2014: Research Assistant at the Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- 2009: Student Researcher, Advanced Composite Materials Engineering Group, University of Alberta, Canada
- 2005-2010: Studies of Mechanical Engineering at the Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Krack, M.; Gross, J.: Harmonic Balance for Nonlinear Vibration Problems , 159pp, (2019), Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-14022-9.
- Krack, M. (2025). Systems with Contact Nonlinearities. In: Touzé, C., Frangi, A. (eds) Model Order Reduction for Design, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Vibratory Systems. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, vol 614. Springer, Cham.
- Krack, M. (2024). Systems with Contact Nonlinearities . In: Gendelman, O.V., Vakakis, A.F. (eds) Exploiting the Use of Strong Nonlinearity in Dynamics and Acoustics. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, vol 613. Springer, Cham.
- Krack, M.; Panning-von Scheidt, L.: Nonlinear Modal Analysis and Modal Reduction of Jointed Structures . The Mechanics of Jointed Structures (2017), Springer, Matthew R.W. Brake (Ed.), ISBN: 978-3-319-56818-8
- 2024: Best Paper Award for the article 'Friction saturated limit cycle oscillations – Test rig design and validation of numerical methods', International Gas Turbine Institute, ASME
- 2023: Best Paper Award for the article 'Fully Coupled Analysis of Flutter Induced Limit Cycles: Frequency vs. Time Domain Methods', International Gas Turbine Institute, ASME
- 2022: EREA Best Paper Award for the article 'Development of a Fully-Coupled Harmonic Balance Method and a Refined Energy Method for the Computation of Flutter-Induced Limit Cycle Oscillations of Bladed'
- 2022 ORATIO-Award for special commitment to teaching in the aerospace engineering program at the University of Stuttgart
- 2020: Best Paper Award for the article 'Effect of Modal Interactions on Friction-Damped Self-Excited Vibrations' in the Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics
- 2018: Best Tutorial Award, International Gas Turbine Institute, ASME
- 2016-2018: Daimler und Benz Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship
- 2015:
DAAD P.R.I.M.E. Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2015: Dr.-Jürgen-und-Irmgard-Ulderup-Award for the best doctoral graduation in Mechanical Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- 2013: Best Paper Award for the article 'Reduced Order Modeling Based on Complex Nonlinear Modal Analysis and its Application to Bladed Disks With Shroud Contact', International Gas Turbine Institute, ASME
- 2011: Best Paper Award for the article 'Eddy Current Damper for Turbine Blading: Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis and Measurement Results', International Gas Turbine Institute, ASME
- 2025: Keynote Speaker at the 1st International Conference on Experimental Continuation in Nonlinear Dynamics, Liège, Belgium
- 2024: Keynote Speaker at the 9th conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, localization and Energy Transfer NNM2024, Israel (postponed due to war)
- 2023: Keynote Speaker at the Final Meeting of the DigiTwin ESPRC programme, Sweansea, UK
- 2023: Lecturer within the CISM Advanced School on Model Order Reduction for Design, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Vibratory Systems
- 2022: Lecturer within the CISM-AIMETA Advanced School on Exploiting the Use of Strong Nonlinearity in Dynamics and Acoustics
- since 2021: Member of the Editorial Board of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- 2020: Vanguard chair for Structural Mechanics, Vibrations & Damping at the annual ASME Turbomachinery Conference, various locations USA/Asia/Europe
- 2019-2020: Guest Editor, Special Issue Tribomechadynamics, ASME Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics
- since 2018: Session organizer and chair on nonlinear dynamics at the annual SEM International Modal Analysis Conference
- since 2017: Co-organizer and project advisor, annual research camp on nonlinear mechanics of jointed structures, with M. Brake (Rice University Houston, USA) and C. Schwingshackl (Imperial College London, UK). Each year, the research camp is sub-divided into 3-4 projects with 4-6 international doctoral students and postdocs each, see After an individual preparation period, the teams meet for 5-6 weeks at one of the host universities. The results are published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international conferences.
- Since 2024: Associate Editor of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- 2021-2024: Editorial Board Member of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- 2019-2020: Guest Editor , Special Issue Tribomechadynamics, Journal of Vibrations and Acoustics
- 2019-2020: Vanguard chair for Structural Mechanics, Vibrations & Damping at the annual ASME Turbomachinery Conference, various locations USA/Asia/Europe
- Since 2018: Session organizer and chair on nonlinear dynamics at the annual SEM International Modal Analysis Conference, USA
- 2016-2019: Session organizer and chair on damping and nonlinear dynamics at the annual ASME Turbomachinery Conference, various locations USA/Asia/Europe
The postdoc Johann Gross received 4 Best Paper Awards 2020-2023. He was admitted 2021 to the ELITE program for excellent scientists on their way to becoming professor, which is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (acceptance rates ca. 25%), and includes funding for the own supervision of a doctoral candidate for ca. 2.5 years. He is also one of the two authors of the Harmonic Balance book and the associated Open Source Tool NLvib. Gross has founded the startup company NoVibTech for technology transfer. Finally, he is a PI of a project within a Collaborative Research Center of the German Research Foundation.
The postdoc Maren Scheel received the Amelia Earhart Fellowship (worldwide call for female doctoral candidates in aerospace engineering; acceptance rate ca. 20%) 2021, the Südwestmetall-Award for excellent young researchers of the state universities (no info on competitivity due to internal pre-selection within participating Universities) 2023, and the highly prestigious Bertha Benz Prize awarded to only one female doctoral engineering graduate per year (Germany-wide call) 2023. As Johann Gross, she was admitted to the ELITE program for postdocs (see above). Finally, she is a PI of the project FLUTTER as part of the funding to support aerospace research “ Aerospace 2050, Sustainable-Digital-Cooperative”, funded by the state Baden-Württemberg.
Nidish N. Balaji joined the group thanks to a Humboldt Research Fellowship. Immediately after his fellowship ended, he became Assistant Professor at the IIT Madras, which is probably the most prestigious university in his home country. Similarly, the postdoc Erhan Ferhatoglu was appointed as Assistant Professor at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey immediately after completing his two-year research stay in Krack’s group.
Two Master Theses were awarded by the German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Two students gave oral presentations of their Bachelor Theses at the renowned ENOC 2024. It should be remarked that the participation of Bachelor-degree students at conferences is an absolute rarity, at least within German engineering studies.