This image shows Christian Koch

Christian Koch


Manager Altitude Test Facility, Academic advisor, deputy head of the institute
Institute for Aircraft Propulsion Systems


+49 711 685 63524
+49 711 685 63505

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 6
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2/6

Publications in Journals

Altmeppen, J., Sommerfeld, H., Koch, C., & Staudacher, S.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation into the Effect of Surface Roughness on Particle Rebound. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 99. 2022

Kopper, P., Copplestone, S., Pfeiffer, M., Koch, C., Fasoulas, S., & Beck, A.
Hybrid Parallelization of Euler-Lagrange Simulations Based on MPI-3 Shared Memory. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.13840. 2022

Lorenz, M., Klein, M., Hartmann, J., Koch, C., & Staudacher, S.
Prediction of Compressor Blade Erosion Experiments in a Cascade Based on Flat Plate Specimen. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 8, 925395. 2022

Schwarz, A., Kopper, P., Keim, J., Sommerfeld, H., Koch, C., & Beck, A.
A neural network based framework to model particle rebound and fracture. Wear, 508, 204476. 2022

Baumann, M., Koch, C., & Staudacher, S.
Application of Neural Networks and Transfer Learning to Turbomachinery Heat Transfer. Aerospace, 9(2), 49. 2022

Kopper, P., Kurz, M., Wenzel, C., Dürrwächter, J., Koch, C., & Beck, A.
Boundary-Layer Dynamics in Wall-Resolved LES Across Multiple Turbine Stages. AIAA Journal, 59(12), 5225-5237. 2021

Sommerfeld, H., Koch, C., Schwarz, A., & Beck, A.
High velocity measurements of particle rebound characteristics under erosive conditions of high pressure compressors. Wear, 470, 203626.

Nagorski, M., Koch, C., & Staudacher, S.
Boundary Conditions for Compressor Cascade Ice Crystal Icing Testing. Journal of Turbomachinery, 143(10), 101013. 2021

Brandes, T., Koch, C., & Staudacher, S.
Estimation of Aircraft Engine Flight Mission Severity Caused by Erosion. Journal of Turbomachinery, 143(11), 111001. 2021

Altmeppen, J., Sommerfeld, H., Koch, C., & Staudacher, S.
An analytical approach to estimate the effect of surface roughness on particle rebound. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 4, 27-37. 2020

Beck, A., Ortwein, P., Kopper, P., Krais, N., Kempf, D., & Koch, C.
Towards high-fidelity erosion prediction: On time-accurate particle tracking in turbomachinery. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 79, 108457. 2019

Hufnagel M., Staudacher S., Koch C.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Mechanical and Aerodynamic Particle Size Effect in High-speed Erosive Flows. ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power;():. doi:10.1115/1.4039830. 2018

Hufnagel M., Werner-Spatz C., Koch C., Staudacher S.
High-Speed Shadowgraphy Measurements of an Erosive Particle-Laden Jet Under High-Pressure Compressor Conditions. ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 140(1):012604-012604-8. doi:10.1115/1.4037689.

Felix Döring, Stephan Staudacher, Christian Koch, Matthias Weißschuh:
Modeling Particle Deposition Effects in Aircraft Engine Compressors; Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 139 / pp 051003 1-10, ASME

Putz A., Staudacher S., Koch C, Brandes T.:
Jet Engine Gas Path Analysis Based on Takeoff Performance Snapshots. ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power;139(11):111201-111201-14. doi:10.1115/1.4036954. 2017

Marcel Günter, Frank Hammer, Christian Koch, Klaus Kuhn, Martin G. Rose, Stephan Staudacher:
Application of a miniaturized solid state electrolyte sensor for tracer gas measurements in a two-stage low pressure turbine; Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 82 (2017) 367-374 Elsevier

Lutz Aurahs, Christian Kasper, Matthias Kürner, Martin G. Rose, Stephan Staudacher, Jochen Gier:
Water Flow Model Turbine Flow Visualization Study of the Unsteady Interaction of Secondary Flow Vortices with the Downstream Rotor; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A_ Journal of Power and Energy,


Conference Paper

Varchev, T., Weiss, M., Staudacher, S., & Koch, C.
Transient Engine Condition Monitoring of Micro Gas Turbines in a Highly Dynamic Setting. In Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (Vol. 85987, p. V002T05A013). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2022

Brandes, T., Scarso, S., Koch, C., & Staudacher, S.
Data-Driven Analysis of Engine Mission Severity Using Non-Dimensional Groups. In Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (Vol. 84911, p. V02BT33A002). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2021

Sokolov, M., Lorenz, M., Rostamian, M., Koch, C., Weissschuh, M., & Staudacher, S. Advances in High-Speed Linear Design Technology: Novel Approach to Sidewall Geometry Design for Erosion Tests. In Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (Vol. 58554, p. V02AT39A015). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2019

Jochen Mall, Stephan Staudacher, Christian Koch:
The Assessment of Assemblability and Dissassemblability of Aeroengines During Preliminary Design. GT2018-75615 Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018 June 11-15, Oslo, Norway 2018

Felix Döring, Stephan Staudacher, Christian Koch:
Predicting the Temporal Progression of Aircraft Engine Compressor Performance Deterioration due to Particle Deposition;
GT2017-63544, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 26-30, Charlotte, NC, USA, 2017

Andrei Tisarev, Christian Koch, Matthias Nagorski, Sergey Falaleev, Stephan Staudacher:
Natural Cooling Affecting the Restart of Micro Gas Turbine; GT2016-56982, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, June 13-17, 2016, Seoul, South Korea, 2016

Christian Kasper, Martin G. Rose, Stephan Staudacher, Jochen Gier:
A Study of Unsteady Secondary Flow in a Water Flow Axial Turbine Model; GT2008-50239, Proceedings of GT2008, ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air, June 9-13, Berlin, Germany, 2008

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