
Welcome to the Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems (ILA)!

The ILA is part of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy (Department 6) at the University of Stuttgart.

What ILA does?

We supervise theses and offer courses in aerospace engineering. We conduct research in the fields of turbojet engines (Professor Staudacher) and structural mechanics/dynamics (Professor Krack). Our team consists of around 40 employees (scientific staff; technicianc; administrative staff). Our test facilities are a special feature. Entire engines or their modules can be tested for their behavior at high altitudes in the altitude test facility.

Research - turbojet engines: This area ranges from basic research into erosion processes to questions relating to the engine as an overall system. The focus is on life cycle analysis, condition monitoring and future aircraft engines. Learn more.

Research - structural mechanics/dynamics: The focus here is on contact interactions (friction; impacts). Dry friction is usually the main cause of damping; without it, the blades of engines would break during operation due to the large vibrations. We conduct fundamental research into the development of new theories and methods, test them in our laboratories and bring them to technological maturity together with our partners from industry. Learn more.

We are continually improving and expanding ILA’s facilities at the University of Stuttgart, so that our measurements and tests can contribute to the development of next-generation turbo jet engines.


This image shows Christian Koch

Christian Koch


Manager Altitude Test Facility, Academic advisor, deputy head of the institute


Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems

Pfaffenwaldring 6, 70569 Stuttgart

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