+49 711 685 63655
+49 711 685 63505
Business card (VCF)
Pfaffenwaldring 6
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2/31
Light-weight design is one technological key to resource-saving machines in the aerospace, energy and automotive industries. Light and slender structures, however, are more susceptible to vibrations. To safely operate modern machines, it is therefore essential to predict and analyze vibration behavior accurately and reliably. To validate these predictions, accurate and reliable measurement data is essential.
The increased demand on accuracy and reliability means that nonlinear vibration phenomena can no longer be neglected. Nonlinear relationships between acting forces and the deflection of a structure arise, for example, due to joints such as bolted or dovetail joints or due to large vibration amplitudes of thin structures.
My research is therefore concerned with developing new testing methods that take nonlinear vibration behavior into account. The testing methods are based on innovative control concepts for the excitation of the structures. Building on this, I develop methods to create experimental and data-driven models of components. My vision is that these innovative measurement methods and experimental models form the basis for a vibration-proof design of modern and future machines.
Nonlinear modes
Experimental modal analysis
Nonlinear system identification
Experimental vibration analysis
Dynamic substructuring
We are always offering bachelor’ s and master’s theses on this topic. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail.
Find me on LinkedIn , Researchgate and ORCID .
Peer-reviewed journal articles
[1] Krack, M. et al.: The Tribomechadynamics Research Challenge: Confronting blind predictions for the linear and nonlinear dynamics of a thin-walled jointed structure with measurement results. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 224, 112016, 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.112016
[2] Bhattu, A.; Hermann, S.; Jamia, N.; Müller, F.; Scheel, M.; Schwingshackl, C.; Özgüven, H.N.; Krack, M.: Experimental analysis of the TRC benchmark system. Journal of Structural Dynamics, Special Issue on Tribomechadynamics, 26-45, 2024. doi: 10.25518/2684-6500.206
[3] Hippold, P.; Scheel, M.; Renson, L.; Krack, M.: Robust and fast backbone tracking via phase-locked loops. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 220, 111670, 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111670
[4] Müller, F.; Woiwode, L.; Groß, J.; Scheel, M.; Krack, M.:
Nonlinear damping quantification from phase-resonant tests under base excitation.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 177, 109170, 2022.
[5] Abeloos, G.; Müller, F., Ferhatoglu, E.; Scheel, M.; Collette, C.; Kerschen, G.; Brake,
M.R.W.; Tiso, P.; Renson, L.; Krack, M.:
A consistency analysis of Phase-Locked-Loop testing and Control-Based Continuation for a
geometrically nonlinear frictional system. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 170,
108820, 2022.
[6] Woiwode, L.; Müller, F.; Groß, J.; Scheel, M.; Krack, M.:
How intrusive are accelerometers for measuring nonlinear vibrations? A case study on a
compressor blade subjected to vibro-impact dynamics. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
144(4), 041002, 2022.
doi: 10.1115/1.4053357
[7] Scheel, M.:
Nonlinear modal testing of damped structures: Velocity feedback vs. phase
resonance. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 165, 108305, 2022.
[8] Gastaldi, C.; Groß, J.; Scheel, M.; Berruti, T.M.; Krack, M.:
Modeling complex contact conditions and their effect on blade dynamics. Journal of
Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(1): 011007, 2021.
doi: 10.1115/1.4049186
[9] Balaji, N.N.; Lian, S.; Scheel, M.; Brake, M.R.W.; Tiso, P.; Noël, J.-P.; Krack, M.:
Numerical assessment of polynomial nonlinear state-space and nonlinear-mode models for
near-resonant vibrations. Vibration 3, 320-342, 2020.
[10] Scheel, M.; Weigele, T.; Krack, M.:
Challenging an Experimental Nonlinear Modal Analysis method with a new strongly
friction-damped structure. Journal of Sound and Vibration 485, 115580, 2020.
[11] Scheel M.; Kleyman, G.; Tatar A.; Brake, M.R.W.; Peter, S.; Noël, J.-P.; Allen, M.S.;
Krack, M.:
Experimental assessment of polynomial nonlinear state-space and nonlinear-mode models for
near-resonant vibrations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 143, 106796, 2020.
[12] Schwarz, S.; Kohlmann, L.; Hartung, A.; Groß, J.; Scheel, M.; Krack, M.:
Validation of a turbine blade component test with frictional contacts by Phase-Locked-Loop
and force-controlled measurements. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,
142(5): 051006, 2020.
doi: 10.1115/1.4044772
[13] Scheel, M.; Gibanica, M.; Nord, A.:
State-Space Dynamic Substructuring with the Transmission Simulator method.
Experimental Techniques, 1-16, 2019.
[14] Scheel, M.; Peter, S.; Leine, R.I.; Krack, M.:
A phase resonance approach for modal testing of structures with nonlinear
dissipation. Journal of Sound and Vibration 435, 56-73, 2018.
doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.07.010
[15] Peter, S.; Scheel, M.; Krack, M.; Leine, R.I.:
Synthesis of nonlinear frequency responses with experimentally extracted nonlinear
modes. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 101, 498-515, 2018.
Articles in conference proceedings
[1] Scheel, M.; Krack, M.:
Nonlinear modal testing of structures with nonlinear dissipation. International
Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA), Leuven, Belgium, 2020.
[2] Müller, F.; Abeloos, G.; Ferhatoglu, E.; Scheel, M.; Brake, M.; Tiso, P.; Renson, L.; Krack,
Comparison between Control-Based Continuation and Phase-Locked Loop methods for the
identification of backbone curves and nonlinear frequency responses. International Modal
Analysis Conference (IMAC), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2020.
[3] Scheel, M.; Schulz, T.; Krack, M.:
Potential and limitation of a nonlinear modal testing method for friction-damped
systems. International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2019.
[4] Scheel, M.; Kleyman, G.; Tatar, A.; Brake, M.; Peter, S.; Noël, J.-P.; Allen, M.; Krack, M.:
System identification of jointed structures: Nonlinear modal testing vs. state-space model
identification. International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC), Orlando, Florida, USA,
[5] Scheel, M.; Peter, S.; Leine, R.; Krack, M.:
Towards Experimental Nonlinear Modal Analysis of systems with nonlinear damping.
European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Budapest, Hungary, 2017.
[6] Peter, S.; Scheel, M.; Krack, M.; Leine, R.:
Experimental frequency response synthesis for nonlinear systems. European
Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Budapest, Hungary, 2017.
[7] Scheel, M.; Johansson, A.T.:
State-Space Substructuring with Transmission Simulator. International Modal
Analysis Conference (IMAC), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2016.
PhD thesis
Scheel, M. Experimental Nonlinear Modal Analysis - Method development with particular focus on nonlinear damping. München: Verlag Dr. Hut, 2022.
Begleiteter Online-Kurs: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der LRT (winter term, module 106180, see C@MPUS )
Bachelor’s Program Aerospace Engineering (in German)
Begleiteter Online-Kurs: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der LRT – winter term 2022/2023
Einführung in die Festigkeitslehre – winter term 2016/2017
Master’s Program Aerospace Engineering (in German)
Strukturdynamik – summer term 2017 to winter term 2022/2023
since January 2023 Post-Doc and research associate at the Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems, University of Stuttgart
September 2022: Graduation (Dr.-Ing.) with PhD thesis “Experimental Nonlinear Modal Analysis - Method development with particular focus on nonlinear damping”
June– July 2023: Visiting researcher at Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA as part of the Tribomechadynamics Research Camp
2016 – 2022: Research Associate and PhD student at the Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems, University of Stuttgart
2013 – 2016: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Stuttgart
June – July 2015: Visiting researcher at Sandia National Laboratories und University of Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA as part of the Sandia Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics Summer Research Institute
March – October 2015: study abroad semester at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden
September 2014 - January 2015: study abroad semester at TU Delft, Netherlands
2009 – 2013: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Stuttgart
Development of a nonlinear experimental dynamic substructuring approach for vibration prediction of jointed structures
The goal of the project is to develop a method for experimental dynamic substructuring of large structures such as wind turbines, paying particular attention to geometric nonlinearities and nonlinear damping. The method makes it possible for the first time to precisely predict near-resonance nonlinear vibrations of structures, of which the purely experimental investigation would not be practically feasible.
Involved team member: Patrick Hippold
I am grateful to the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung for the financial support of this research project through the Postdoctoral fellowship for leading early career researchers.
Virtual flutter testing of next-generation aircraft prototypes: fundamental research on predictive and data-based methods
The goal of this project is to make a pioneering contribution to virtual flutter testing of next-generation aircraft. The focus is on nonlinear aeroelastic interactions of airfoils in subsonic flows and on structural damping by frictional connections Further, metamaterials and vibration mitigation devices are considered that are promising for ensuring flutter-safe next-generation aircraft.
In cooperation with Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics (IAG) and Institute of Structural Mechanics and Dynamics in Aerospace Engineering (ISD)Financed through the research programme „Luft- und Raumfahrt 2050, Nachhaltig–Digital–Kooperativ“ with funds of Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts
Advancement of control-based nonlinear vibration testing – Master’s thesis, 2023, University of Stuttgart
Phase-resonant testing is an experimental method to identify nonlinear modal parameters of mechanical components. This method uses a phase-locked-loop (PLL) controller to keep the system in phase resonance while the excitation level is varied. However, the approach recently comes with several limitations. The work aims to answer how control-based nonlinear vibration testing can be made more robust, precise, and fast in two ways: First, higher harmonics of the excitation force due to structure-shaker interactions are to be cancelled using a control loop. Second, a systematic tuning procedure for the phase controller is to be developed to achieve stable, robust, and fast control with limited knowledge about the system under test.
The results were published in two peer-reviewed journal papers and the student presented the results at International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) 2025 in Orlando, Florida, USA.
Nonlinear Experimental Modal Analysis with Multi-Harmonic Excitation – Bachelor’s thesis, 2020, University of Stuttgart
Phase-resonant testing is an experimental method to identify nonlinear modal parameters of mechanical components. This method uses a phase-locked-loop (PLL) controller to keep the system in phase resonance while the excitation level is varied. Typically, the applied excitation force is defined to be purely harmonic. In this work, it is investigated to what extent the robustness of the phase resonance method can be increased by introducing higher harmonic forcing.
Numeric Modelling of a beam with friction - Master thesis, 2019, University of Stuttgart
Design and construction of a test rig for the investigation on dissipative structures - Master thesis, 2018, University of Stuttgart
2021: Amelia Earhart Fellowship of Zonta International
2021: Reviewer of the Year 2020 of Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
2020: Harting Award of journal „Experimental Techniques“ for the outstanding paper „State-space Dynamic Substructuring with the Transmission Simulator method“
2015: PROMOS scholarship of German Academic Exchange Service
2014: Deutschlandstipendium (scholarship) of German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
2011: Deutschlandstipendium (scholarship) of German Federal Ministry of Education and Research